Like so many of you, our Family is made up of working parents, community members, and people just trying to navigate a new normal.

Here’s what we’re doing to reduce the coronavirus spread, while working hard to continue to service our customers, vendors, and employees.

With the spread of COVID-19, online shopping continues to rise dramatically, and we are experiencing a variety of supply chain disruptions and delays. In addition, fulfillment center operations have shifted in order to implement increased cleaning and sanitation protocols as well as prioritize orders for household, safety and medical essentials. As a result, our order processing timelines have been extended.

For new orders, our shipping and delivery date expectations will show longer than you normally expect.

For our fulfillment center employees’ safety and yours, we’re taking extra precautions with additional cleaning and sanitation in our centers.

We sincerely appreciate your continued support during these challenging times.

Stay safe!